
Gather Your

Personal Information

Collect some of the documents and personal information below to be well on your way to having all the information you need for us to create a tailor-made estate plan

Deed(s) to real property (your house, rental property, vacation home) or refinancing document binder

Statements or customer service mailing address and account numbers for:

  • Bank Accounts (checking and savings)
  • Mutual Fund Accounts
  • Stock or Brokerage Accounts
  • Retirement Plans
  • Life Insurances (through work or privately owned)
  • Any other financial asset accounts including 529 College Savings Plans, Annuities, Health Savings Accounts, CD's, or any inherited assets

Name, mailing address, email address, and cell phone number for each of your potential successor trustees, health care agents, and beneficiaries (also date of birth if they are under 25!)

Having these documents and info together means your estate planning process is as smooth, efficient, and accurate as possible!

How do you want your

Estate Distributed?

Spouse, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, a life partner to whom you are not married, special friends, etc. Include their full legal names, dates of birth, current addresses and how they are related to you. Be sure to note if there are any special needs or disabilities involved. You may also want to include a charitable, educational or religious organization.

If you are married, you will want to make sure your spouse has enough money to live out the rest of their years securely. If this is your second marriage, you may want to make sure your children will also inherit from you.

Some people like to distribute the full inheritance right away, others in installments. Still others prefer keeping the inheritance in a trust where it will be protected from creditors, divorce, and irresponsible spending.


Who will act as

Your successor trustee?

Naming your oldest child as your successor trustee or appointing all of your children to act together is not always assumed. The person(s) you name to take on this responsibility should be someone you trust, whose judgement you respect, and who will honor your wishes. If you don’t feel you have good candidates (they live too far away, they’re too busy, they aren’t responsible enough, or your children have a tendency to bicker), having a professional fiduciary act as your successor trustee is an option you can discuss with us.

Give some thought to whom you would like to help with your

Health care decisions

We have counseled many clients and will be able to help you evaluate your best options should you become unable to make healthcare decisions for yourself. This is a good opportunity to consider any specific instructions you want to establish regarding your future care (i.e. specific facilities or types of facilities you do or don't want to go to, home care options, etc.).

If you have any questions during

The estate planning process…

Our team is here to answer them. Clear communication between you and Miner Law Offices will help expedite your plan's creation. Usually we are able to successfully address most issues and questions with one client meeting and minor adjustments on our way to a finalized document. Most importantly, revocable living trusts are just that: revocable. You can update or completely change your plan as your your life changes.

Yes, this is a big project and it can seem overwhelming.
Once your estate plan is in place, you will have the best benefit of all —peace of mind.

Now that you have everything in order and
ready to go let’s Get Started.


New Estate Plan

For Couples


New Estate Plan

For Individuals

Already have an estate plan that needs some sprucing up?
Get Started with our estate plan updates instead!



For Couples



For Individuals

Act now and contact us today to schedule your free estate planning consultation.

call (707) 908-0129